My continuing quest for stickers of nasty little puking snot-nosed 5-year-olds has brought me to buy another pack of Garbage
Pail Kids. Here's 6 more Kids for ya.

First up, Hairy Henry. Henry here is a werewolf kid, see? And werewolf kids who get haircuts from non-werewolves usually end
up freaking out the barber, causing him to slip with the scissors, cutting off more than hair. The scene only shows Henry
getting his hair cut, but there's gotta be more to it than that. There's probably some crazy half-blind old lady sitting right
next to him screaming "Oh my God, that poor puppy!" Also, he seems to have blown-up rubber gloves for hands.

Digital Devin one sick little bastard. Seriously, though. Who takes a shit on a computer? Nobody. That's who. This
kid must have gone out of his way to build a custom toilet/computer. But then again, now he never has to leave the computer

Hey! I already have this one! Oh, wait. Nevermind. That's Krummy Kim I have. This is Cookie-Tosser Tessa. Well
the point is, they're exactly the same. Just like Bungee Benjy and Xtreme Xavier. Now I'm pissed at Garabge Pail Kids. I don't
even know why I bother with these things. Oh well.

Ha. I got a chuckle outta this one. Newsworthy Nick is one of the better Kids. And yes, I do play favorites. If the Garbage
Pail Kids were my kids, most of them would be dead or lost or just completely forgotten in less than 2 weeks. But not
Newsworthy Nick here. He's pretty cool, in my eyes anyway.

Jordan Nuts is this particular pack's Holo-Foil Almighty Shiny sticker. And he is also completely fucking insane. How someone
can stick their fingers through the top and bottom of their head and use them as teeth is just beyond my knowledge. Another
thing I don't understand is the name. It doesn't even make sense. It doesn't rhyme, have the same first letters, and I don't
think it's making fun of anything.

Remember in my last GPK article I said Spider Manny was my favorite? Well he's not anymore. Scuzzy Ozzy is the definitive
GPK sticker of awesomeness. Plus, he's eating a bat sandwich. But the insanity doesn't stop there, no it doesn't. I don't
know if you can see it, but Ozzy's sitting in front of a tombstone that reads: R.I.P. OZZY. Pretty sweet, if ya ask
me. Well that does it for this installment of my never-ending exposé on Garbage Pail Kids.