Well here's something I never thought I'd ever see. Mac & Cheez Doodles. What it was was a combination of two of my very
favorite foods. Macaroni and cheese and cheese doodles. But it really didn't taste like either of the two. It tasted more
like this: somebody takes a bag and fills it with Easy-Mac. Then they leave it in a closet for 6 weeks. Then they sneak into
a grocery after it closes and put 'em on the shelf for 73 dollars a bag. In other words, they taste kind of like shit, and
they cost a lot of money.

The Mac & Cheez Doodles didn't really taste anything like macaroni or cheese. but it did look a lot like the real thing.
The taste was kind of hard to describe. At first, they taste really bad, but after you eat about a quarter of the bag, you
get used to it and it's pretty good. But then when you finish the bag they taste really great, but there's no more. They must
put nicotine in 'em to make you want more after you finish a bag.

Overall, Mac & Cheez Doodles taste like shit until you get addicted, and then you'll end up spending more on these in
a week than you do on a year's worth of cancer sticks. They're not one of my favorite foods, but Ghost Rider seems to like
