This afternoon while I was cleaning my room, I went in the closet and stumbled upon a disturbingly ancient artifact of my
childhood. The 1996 Domino Rally Mad Lab playset.

I remember it quite well. Back in 1996, I was at the tender age of six years old and I was afraid of everything. Christmas
morning as I was opening my presents, I noticed a big box so rushed to open that one. I opened the box and what do I see,
but that crazy mad scientist's face. I probably pissed myself in fear. I was always afraid to play it until I was ten. I had
forgotten all about the Mad Lab since then. When I opened it up five hours ago, all that was in the box were a few dominoes
and these:

It appears as though someone had been tinkering with my domino set. But of course, they only take the good stuff and leave
me with the scary face and random pieces of plastic. There should have been a skull, an eyeball, and some purple ooze, but
those things were nowhere to be found. Anyway, I tried to set up a path like in the instruction booklet, but that involved
putting toghether weird black pieces of plastic. This is how far I got before I gave up and decided to just wing it.

I'm pretty sure the eyeball was supposed to go on top of that thing. I've never liked building anything, unless it was legos,
so I just had to put up with a sucky domino path. Oh yeah, there was another small problem. There were only about forty dominoes.
It took me about an hour to put together my path. Don't you hate it when you're halfway through putting your dominoes up then
you accidentally knock them all down?

I hate dominoes. This was no fun. The real fun in the Mad Lad was the brain-fizz powder. Luckily, I had a few packets left.
But unfortunately, there was no skull to put it in.

This stuff rules. Note that the packet says 'NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION'. And there's a real good reason for that. I was ten
years old, I could read perfectly well, but I had the brain of a hungry two-year-old. See, when you put the powder in water,
it fizzes up and turns a toxic shade of green.

It only makes about half a cup of fizz, but ingest it and you'll vomit gallons of it. Please don't try that, though. I'm glad
I didn't die from that. I have learned my lesson about eating things that packages tell you not to eat.