Today we're going to look at a part of my most favoritest thing ever. Heavy metal. Videos. The videos seen here can all be
found here. Enjoy.

Firstly, a video from one of the first bands to play crossover thrashpunk. It's 'Suit And Tie Guy' by D.R.I. That guy in the
picture is basically what you see for the first minute. Actually it's alternating shots between him and the band playing a
concert. Then it's just the band playing a concert. But then there's more weird businessmen. At the the end that guy from
the beginning goes crazy. Yeah, that's about all.

Alright, now we got 'Yankee Rose' by David Lee Roth. God, I remember two or three times when I was a kid, and this video would
come on MTV (back when they used to actually play music). At first, when they show the different people in the convenience
store I wouldn't know what it was. But then when crazy Diamond Dave jumps out of nowhere with that spear and his maniacal
grin, I would scream and run out of the room. If I ever saw this video on MTV now, that would just be the day.

'Chemistry' by Susperia, is probably one of the best songs of this year. A lot of real metal fans blindly discriminate Susperia
as dumb nü-metal, but they don't have to rely on violent rap lyrics and heavy usage of the word 'fuck'. Anyway, 'Chemistry'
has a really creepy video. At first, it's just the guys playing in purgatory, but then there's random scenes of a crazy old
couple. First they just seem to be yelling. Then before you know it, they're pulling knives out on each other and throwing
food. But this is nothing compared to our next video...

'Meat Sandwich' by Gwar is the ultimate splatter metal video. If you don't know who Gwar is, I strongly suggest you leave
now. 'Meat Sandwich' has gotta be the weirdest, most random video ever. The first thing that happens is Oderus falls down
a hill and gets run over by a car. Then the members of Gwar barbecue a slave and eat him. Then, to top it all off, Oderus
annihilates Jesus Christ himself in a game of one-on-one basketball. I suggest if you've never heard of Gwar (and you're still
reading this), and you're easily offended, don't send them any e-mails telling them that they're going to hell. They'll only
find you and rape you. Then kill you. Then rape you again.