My parents recently shelled out 10 bucks to get iO digital cable installed in our TVs. One of the best channels included was
the Nicktoons channel. The Nicktoons channel has all the classic toons that were canned from regular Nickelodeon, such as
Doug, The Angry Beavers, Ren & Stimpy and more. Today we're going to look at one of the best forgotten cartoons of the
'90s. Rocko's Modern Life. For those of you who have never seen the show, it's about a wallaby named Rocko, his dog Spunky,
his friends Heiffer the steer, Filburt the tortoise, and all the crazy predicaments they wind up in. The episode I'm going
to review here and now is called "Feisty Geist".

In this classic episode, Rocko and Heiffer go to a fortune teller. Why? Heiffer wants to know about his past lives. The fortune
teller lady summons the spirit of Mortimer Khan, Ghengis Khan's less successful brother, to tell Hef about his past lives.

The first of Hef's past lives was a passenger aboard the Hillenberger. Seeing as how he is fat, he brought the blimp crashing
to the ground. His second past life was a crazy Italian man. He stood atop the Tower Of Pisa, and his fatness almost tipped
it over. Heiffer soon learns that his actual first life was a scout in Mortimer's horde. Hef was too busy being fat and didn't
show up to a pillage or something like that.

Mortimer realizes Hef was the reason he wasn't as successful as Ghengis and gets so angry he breaks out of the crystal ball.
Rocko and Heiffer go back to Rocko's house. Little do they know that Morty's spirit had been following them. Morty gets into
the house and possesses Rocko's dog, Spunky. Then Spunky/Morty goes completely apeshit and rampages through the house.

Filburt, Rocko and Heiffer's wussbag tortoise friend shows up the door. He also happens to have a tube of Spirit-Away. They
squirt the S-A cream on Spunky, and Morty's spirit flies through the living room and possesses Filburt. Rocko and Hef go get
squirt guns and load them with the S-A. Then they go through the house on a serious ass kickin' spirit hunt. Oh yeah, the
guns and suit made them look like Ghostbusters. Only not really.

Now that I think about it, they really don't look like Ghostbusters at all. Anyway, Filburt is rid of the spirit. Morty goes
on to possess better things. Mortimer, for some reason, decides to possess the toilet, a roll of toilet paper, and finally,
the fridge.

Hef, being fat and all, will not stand for the possession of the fridge. So he gets the spirit out. Morty's possessed just
about everything in the house, and he stills wants revenge. But he's a total dumb fuck. The dumbass possesses a snowglobe.
A fucking snowglobe. What an idiot. He also gets trapped in the snowglobe. Rocko and Heiffer take the snowglobe back to the
fortune-telling place. Some other stuff happens then its over. THE END.
