A lot of my articles here at Complete Idiocy are based on products from the late 80's - 90's and even 2000 on. But we rarely
look at new products or television or the latest fads. Until tonight. This article is based on a classic Cartoon Network show
that is still airing new episodes, and the one we will look at premiered just last Friday. The episode is called T Is For
Trouble. Prepare to be shocked...

Well the episode starts off with no signs of impending doom. Johnny is chillin' on his couch, eating junk food as usual. Then
he calls to order tacos. The first totally insane act of chaos is about to begin in 3 seconds. Johnny opens the door, and
who's on the other side? Why, Mr. T., of course! Wait, wait. Mr. T.!?

Holy shit. Mr. T. What exactly the fuck is going on here? Mr. T. teaches Johnny a lesson or three or seven. For example, Mr.
T. claims that T is for truthful, trustworthy, among other things. Then he says: "Don't mess with me when I'm Verbalizin'"
Johnny replies "But, that doesn't start with T" To which Mr. T. states "The T is silent"

Turns out that Mr. T. has come to Johnny because of an old letter he sent him back when he was a kid. Johnny wrote to Mr.
T. because he used to get picked on at school by a kid named Little Ricky Simmons.

Cut to flashback scene where Johnny gets repeatedly pushed flat on his back by Little Ricky Simmons. After Johnny tells Mr.
T. his sad story, T decides to train Johnny to stand up and fight back...20 years later. They go through the traditional excercises.
Then Mr. T. teaches Johnny how to make healthy and delicious snacks.

Soon enough, Johnny feels confident enough to take on his childhood nemesis. Johnny looks up Little Ricky Simmons' adress
and makes his way to his house. Before the big showdown, Mr. T. gives Johnny a box, and says that now Johnny is tough enough
for it. Johnny opens the box and inside is a Little Bo Peep outfit. He puts it on and hunts down Ricky. He gets to the house.
Johnny hasn't seen Ricky in some 20 years. And we haven't gotten a good look at him either. Anyway, the door is opened and
-- OH MY GOD!!! Is that--

RICHARD SIMMONS!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!! I think enough has been said. I don't wanna give away the ending, so keep an eye out when
you watch Cartoon Network.