Welcome to another waste of fifteen perfectly good minutes. Today, we'll take a look at some more Garbage Pail Kids, this
time from the classic 1986 series six.

First order of business, Teed-Off Tom. There's really not much to say about this one, except for the fact that he's golfing
with his eyeball. But that's only normal in the world of GPKs.

Shrill Jill reminds me of my sixth grade music teacher. So music teacher suddenly breaks out in song, and midway through hits
a high note. Only it kept getting higher and louder until BAM! She just shattered into approximately 6,503 little pieces.
I don't think anybody ever heard her sing again after that.

Hey look! Another eyeball themed Garbage Pail Kid! God knows what Bloodshot Scott could have seen to make his eyes pop that
far out of his head. That really sucks that he has to carry them around in a wheelbarrow. Here's a random thought for ya:
how does this kid play hide and seek? He can't hide in a bush, his eyes will get poked with branches. Where can he hide that
will conceal his eyes that happen to be bigger than him? And another thing: what happens if he starts to go blind? Where's
he gonna get glasses that big?

Eve Droppin' is another one that would really suck and hide and seek. Actually he would be really great at it. Only he wouldn't
hide, he would be where other players hide. Bloodshot Scott could probably fit all the way in this kid's fucking

Man, it would suck balls to be Barbie Q. I guess people think it's OK to cook and eat other people if they're only six inches
tall. Nobody would notice if they were gone, anyway. It's not like they're a famous celebrity or anything. Just a really small
kid. Anyway, I think we can all learn a valuable lesson from this: Don't be six inches tall, you will be eaten.